The Talent500 Blog

Fiber Framework For Golang Developers

Fiber is a popular lightweight web framework for the Go programming language. It was designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. It is built on top of Fasthttp, which is a high-performance HTTP server that supports HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2. Fiber provides developers with a powerful set of features to engineer complex web applications. In this blog, we will discuss the Fiber framework in detail, covering its features, advantages, and how to use it to develop web applications.

Features of Fiber Framework

The fiber framework provides a number of features. Some of the features include:

Advantages of Using Fiber Framework

How to Use Fiber Framework in backend development?

Using the Fiber framework in backend development is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps you can follow:

go get -u

This will install the latest version of Fiber and all its dependencies.

import “”
app := fiber.New()
app.Get(“/api/users”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

  // Handle GET request for /api/users

  return c.SendString(“List of users”)


app.Post(“/api/users”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

  // Handle POST request for /api/users

  return c.SendString(“User created”)


You can also use parameters in the URL path to create dynamic routes:

app.Get(“/api/users/:id”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

  // Handle GET request for /api/users/{id}

  id := c.Params(“id”)

  return c.SendString(“User with ID ” + id)


app.Use(func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

  // Perform some task before each request

  return c.Next()


app.Use(func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

  // Perform some other task before each request

  return c.Next()



This will initiate the server on port 3000 and listen for incoming requests.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you can use the Fiber framework to build a backend for your web application in Go.

What are the practical applications of the Fiber Framework?

Fiber Framework can be used for a variety of use cases and practical applications in backend web development. Here are some examples:

Which organizations are currently using Fiber Framework?

Fiber Framework is a relatively new web framework for Go, but it has gained a lot of popularity in the Go community since its initial release in 2020. Here are some organizations that use Fiber Framework:

Components of Fiber Framework


Middleware allows you to execute common functionality or pre-processing logic for incoming HTTP requests before they are passed to the main handler function. 

Middleware functions can be chained together to form a pipeline of the processing logic and can be used for several purposes, including logging, authentication, and request processing.

In Fiber Framework, middleware functions are defined as functions that take two parameters: a context object (represented by the *fiber.Ctx type) and a next function (represented by the func() error type). 

The middleware function performs its own logic on the context object and then calls the next function to forward control to the next middleware function in the pipeline. 

If there are no more middleware functions in the pipeline, the next function will call the main handler function to process the request.

Here’s an example of a simple middleware function that logs the incoming HTTP request:

func logMiddleware(c *fiber.Ctx, next func() error) error {

    log.Printf(“[%s] %s\n”, c.Method(), c.Path())

    return next()


In this example, the middleware function takes a context object c and a next function next. It logs the HTTP method and path of the request using the log.Printf function, and then calls the next function to pass forward control to the next middleware function or the main handler function.

To use this middleware function in a Fiber application, you can call the Use method on the *fiber.App object, passing in the middleware function:

app := fiber.New()


app.Get(“/”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    return c.SendString(“Hello, World!”)



In this example, the logMiddleware function is added to the middleware pipeline using the Use method. With an incoming request, the middleware function will log the request before passing control to the main handler function.

You can also chain multiple middleware functions together by calling the Use method multiple times:

app := fiber.New()




app.Get(“/”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    return c.SendString(“Hello, World!”)



In this example, three middleware functions (logMiddleware, authMiddleware, and processRequestMiddleware) are chained together to form a pipeline. 

When a request is received, each middleware function will be executed in the sequence they were added to the pipeline before passing control to the main handler function.

WebSockets in Fiber Framework

WebSockets enable real-time communication between the server and the client. Fiber Framework provides built-in support for WebSockets, making it easy to build real-time applications with minimal effort.

To get started with WebSockets in Fiber, you first need to create a new WebSocket route using the app.WebSocket method. This method takes a route path and a handler function that will be called when a WebSocket connection is established:

app := fiber.New()

app.Get(“/ws”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    return c.Status(fiber.StatusUpgradeRequired).Send(nil)


app.WebSocket(“/ws”, func(c *websocket.Conn) {

    fmt.Println(“New WebSocket connection established.”)

    // Handle WebSocket messages here


In this example, we first create a normal GET route that will return a 426 Upgrade Required status code to indicate that a WebSocket connection is required. 

Then we create a new WebSocket route with the app.WebSocket method, passing in the same path as the GET route and a handler function that takes a *websocket.Conn object.

After establishing a WebSocket connection, the handler function will be called, and you can start handling WebSocket messages. 

Fiber’s WebSocket API provides several methods for sending and receiving messages, including c.ReadMessage(), c.WriteMessage(), and c.Close().

Here’s an example of a WebSocket handler function that echoes back any received messages:

app.WebSocket(“/ws”, func(c *websocket.Conn) {

    fmt.Println(“New WebSocket connection established.”)

    for {

        // Read the next message from the WebSocket connection

        messageType, p, err := c.ReadMessage()

        if err != nil {

            fmt.Println(“Error reading message:”, err)



        // Echo the message back to the client

        err = c.WriteMessage(messageType, p)

        if err != nil {

            fmt.Println(“Error writing message:”, err)





In this example, the handler function reads each incoming message using the c.ReadMessage() method, and then echoes the message back to the client using the c.WriteMessage() method. The for loop ensures that the handler function keeps running and processing messages until an error occurs or the connection is closed.

Fiber also provides several useful utilities for working with WebSockets, such as middleware functions for handling authentication or logging. You can use the websocket.New() method to create a new WebSocket connection object and the websocket.Acquire() and websocket.Release() methods to manage connection pooling.

Routing in Fiber Framework

Routing refers to the process of matching incoming HTTP requests to specific handler functions that will generate a response. In Fiber Framework, routing is implemented using the app object, which is an instance of fiber.App struct that represents the application.

To create a new route in Fiber, you use the app.Method() method, where Method can be any of the HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and so on. This method takes two arguments: the route path and a handler function that will be called when the route is matched:        

app := fiber.New()

app.Get(“/”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    return c.SendString(“Hello, World!”)


In this example, we create a new Fiber application using the fiber.New() method, and then define a new GET route with the app.Get() method. The route path is /, and the handler function returns a string response that says, “Hello, World!”.  

 Fiber also supports route parameters, which allow you to create dynamic routes that can match a wide range of URL patterns. 

To create a parameterized route, you use the: name syntax to define a named parameter in the route path and then access the parameter value using the c.Params() method in the handler function:

app.Get(“/hello/:name”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    name := c.Params(“name”)

    return c.SendString(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)


In this example, we define a new GET route with a parameterized route path of /hello/:name. The handler function uses the c.Params() method to retrieve the value of the name parameter from the URL, and then returns a string response that says “Hello, {name}!”.        

Error Handling

One of the main error-handling mechanisms in Fiber is the use of middleware functions. Middleware functions can intercept incoming requests and perform pre- and post-processing tasks. 

They can also handle errors that occur during request processing and return appropriate error responses to the client.

To create a middleware function that handles errors, you can use the app.Use() method. This method takes a function that accepts a *fiber.Ctx argument and returns an error. If the function returns an error, Fiber will automatically call the next error-handling middleware function in the chain until an error is successfully handled.

Here’s an example middleware function that logs errors and returns an error response with a 500 status code:

func errorHandler(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

    err := c.Next()

    if err != nil {

        log.Printf(“Error occurred: %v”, err)


        return c.JSON(fiber.Map{

            “error”: err.Error(),



    return nil


app := fiber.New()


In this example, we define a middleware function called errorHandler that logs any errors that occur during request processing and returns an error response with a 500 status code. 

The function uses the c.Next() method is to pass control to the next middleware function in the chain and then check if an error occurred. If an error occurs, it logs the error and returns an error response with a JSON payload that contains the error message.

Testing Fiber applications

Fiber provides a built-in testing framework that allows you to write tests for your application’s handlers and middleware functions.

To get started with testing in Fiber, you’ll need to import the testing package and the net/http/httptest package. The httptest package provides a set of tools for testing HTTP servers and clients.

Here’s an example test for a handler function that returns a JSON response:

func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {

    // Create a new Fiber app

    app := fiber.New()

    // Define a handler function

    app.Get(“/”, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {

        return c.JSON(fiber.Map{

            “message”: “Hello, World!”,



    // Create a new HTTP request

    req := httptest.NewRequest(“GET”, “/”, nil)

    // Create a new HTTP response recorder

    res := httptest.NewRecorder()

    // Call the handler function with the request and response recorder

    app.Handler()(res, req)

    // Check that the response status code is 200 OK

    if res.Code != 200 {

        t.Errorf(“expected status code 200, but got %d”, res.Code)


    // Check that the response body is a JSON payload containing the message

    expected := `{“message”:”Hello, World!”}`

    if res.Body.String() != expected {

        t.Errorf(“expected response body %q, but got %q”, expected, res.Body.String())



In this example, we define a test function called TestHandler that creates a new Fiber app and defines a handler function that returns a JSON payload with a “message” field. 

We then create a new HTTP request and response recorder and call the handler function with these objects. Finally, we check that the response status code is 200 OK and that the response body is a JSON payload containing the expected message.

This is just a simple example, but you can use similar techniques to write tests for more complex handlers and middleware functions. 

Fiber’s testing framework also provides a set of assertions and helper functions for testing your application, such as assert.Equal() and assert.Contains(). These functions can simplify your test code and make it easier to write comprehensive test suites for your application.

Deployment of Fiber applications

Deploying a Fiber application can vary depending on your specific use case and requirements. However, Fiber provides some built-in tools and options that make deployment easier and more flexible.

One of the simplest ways to deploy a Fiber application is to use a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider such as Heroku or Google Cloud Platform. 

These providers offer pre-configured environments that can run your Fiber application without you needing to manage servers or infrastructure.

To deploy your Fiber application on a PaaS provider, you’ll typically need to do the following:

To deploy your Fiber application using Docker, you can follow these general steps:

Fiber also provides a set of middleware and extensions that can simplify the deployment and configuration of your application, such as the fiber/compression middleware for compressing HTTP responses and the fiber/cors middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests. 

This middleware and extensions can help you optimize the performance and security of your application, which can be especially important in production environments.

Wrapping Up

Fiber is a fantastic web framework for Go that offers fast performance, flexible middleware, and robust features such as WebSockets and routing. It’s perfect for building scalable and efficient web applications and API servers. With its easy-to-use API, Fiber can help you streamline your development process and deliver reliable and performant web services.
