The professional work landscape in 2022 is radically transforming as a result of the ‘Great Reshuffle’. More and more employees are looking to change their jobs to find opportunities that better represent their values and aspirations as individuals.
However, a lot of companies are still finding it hard to attract talent due to shortcomings such as antiquated HR practices and a lack of clarity in defining the scope of the role. New digital talent platforms are transforming how workers find jobs and how companies find workers.
To accommodate diverse employee expectations and changing trends, employers are looking into more robust talent acquisition and retention strategies. Now many companies are hiring gig workers for both regular and temporary positions. In this respect, an increasing number of companies are exploring the talent on-demand) model to offer employees the freedom and flexibility they desire.
Skilled gig workers have long been used to supplement the labor of full-time staff during periods of high demand, but as the nature of work changes, companies are starting to rethink their talent management strategies. Using the talent on-demand model, businesses can tap into the world’s freelance workforce for knowledge and expertise on an as-needed basis. Firms that use this approach intelligently can gain speed and be more competitive as they can pick and choose the talent based on the requirements for both short-term and long-term projects.
Download the article ‘Talent on Demand: Step into New Era of Work‘ for more penetrative insights on talent on-demand and how it could potentially benefit your company.